Waxahachie CARE joined Famous Footwear in Waxahachie, TX, and the Shoe Buddy Program to distribute shoes to children in need in Ellis County. The Shoe Buddy provided funds to Waxahachie CARE and Famous Footwear provided shoes to local children in need.
Kim and Wade Holman, of CARE collaborated with Will Cavitt and worked together to implement the Shoe Buddy Program as a community project. Families were nominated by local community members then families were contacted by CARE volunteers with direction from CARE administrator coordinator, Donna Williams.
It was Cavitt's idea to reach out to head coach of the Waxahachie High School football team, Todd Alexander and ask for volunteers from the Indian football players. The young volunteers were given high praises from the staff at Famous Footwear, Waxahachie CARE & by Neighbors receiving shoes.
This event couldn't have been possible without the leadership from Cavitt, Famous Footwear Waxahachie and donations from Shoe Buddy Program and volunteers from Waxahachie High School. Kim Holman, executive director for CARE was pleased with the event and sends her appreciation to everyone involved.
"It was such a blessing to see the kids faces light up when taken into the store by the football boys who helped them pick out their shoes. We were ALL very moved by the way everything turned out," said Holman.